Strategic planning icon

Strategic planning

Strategy development can become a once a year process that quickly gets left behind until the following year. Through understanding your business and the market you operate in, ABY Consulting can work with you to devise a strategic plan that is relevant and achievable with set actionable plans.

ABY Consulting can facilitate your annual strategy and planning process through:

Internal analysis to determine key internal statistics to shape your strategy.

Market analysis to understand key competitors and success factors, current innovation trends and potential opportunities in the market.

Strategy workshop with your key leaders and staff to determine your overall strategy.

Development of your strategy into a strategic plan.

90 day cycles breaking down your plan to ensure execution of your strategy.

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Business review

A business review is not a one shoe fits all process. Whilst some businesses want to simplify processes to reduce overheads through a restructure, others want to keep their staff but reduce their commoditised work so they can focus on the next big income earner.

ABY Consulting can tailor a business review to your needs.  An example of the format of a review is as follows:

Initial meeting with key personnel to gain an understanding of desired outcome.

Internal analysis to determine income stream trends, best operators, ideal and likely structures and a starting point for process review.

Market analysis to determine any external factors and trends impacting your business.

Investigative meetings with key staff on current processes.

Review of technology sources and outsource offerings for commoditised tasks.

Report of analytical findings with suggestions on automation with software recommendations, offshore options, structure and short, mid and long-term cost savings.

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Managing and implementing change

Projects typically fail when proper processes and controls are not in place and when staff are not effectively engaged in the change process.

Project management

With implementing any change comes project planning. Projects tend to fail if a vital stage in project management is missed or poorly managed. We can assist your team with:

Training your staff on how to manage projects.

Resources and templates for project management.

Change management

With any change in an organisation, if not managed appropriately it will create disengagement and lack of or slow uptake on change. We provide your team with:

Training focusing on proven communication methods.

Linking change management to project timelines by meeting with your Project Manager or key personnel to provide advice.

Change management planning including development of plans.

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Want more?

Our other consulting services include:

Consulting services on HR, product decision and development, budgeting and process design, leadership and management coaching and training.

ABY Consulting gets you from A to B through understanding the ‘why’. If you would like advice and support on developing and understanding your business, contact us now.